Hello blogging world. I am sorry I have been gone I had a beautiful baby girl in the middle of December and she has preoccupied my time. I am back and ready to blog! This one is going to be short, I am getting back into the grove of things after being a mommy again.
New baby is 5 weeks old, and doing great. My 3 year old just loves her to death and is a super helper (occasionally jealous and needs to be a baby again) he is really prideful in being a big brother and taking care of “baby”
***Today, my husband and son were putting away dishes. They decided to sort the Tupperware drawer. We have many sizes and shapes of Tupperware (circles, squares, rectangles, large, medium and small). Together they decided to sort by shape then size. My son got a great lesson on categorizing, sorting, and organization. They both had quality time together, and I got a clean kitchen space! Win – Win – Win.
I know that was short, so I will throw in a few more great simple ways to learn with your kids at home!
***We have been having a snow fall at home. It is too cold to go out side for very long, so I got a large bowl and brought the snow inside. My son sat in the kitchen and played with the snow, just as he would a rice, or sand and water bowl. He scooped, molded, and even built a miniature snowman. He stayed toasty (except his fingers) and he pretended he was a great snow explorer.
***I had been given a large amount of produce, mainly apples. Rather than rush to eat them, we made apple sauce. I cut the apples into slices, and pealed them. My 3 year old, used a dull butter knife to cut the apples into wedges. We cooked them up and had our self an organic, warm, apple treat. (We also Juiced some with our other fruits and a few veggies!)
Hope this short cute idea’s give you some fun idea’s. I have been using this snow time to teach my son about cooking, keeping house and being a great helper. He has also been really into helping with his new baby sister.
If you have any fun idea’s that you do with your kids, please share them in the comments below!